Author Archives: dowmedia

About us

We provide support in all areas related to HR Management from personnel recruitment to complex training and development. Our clients range from small and medium companies that look for specialist support on a regular basis to multinational companies that require legal training support, specialists recruitment or various hard-to-find quality services such as Outplacement of redundant personnel, mediation of sensitive conflicts between management and key employees, unions,etc.

We have also extensive experience in representation to Court of Labor related conflicts, if the case.


We offer support to our clients by providing a variety of solutions ranging from specific support on HR projects to outsourcing various activities such as recruiting, administration of personnel files or management of flexible benefits.

We are able as well to offer support on start-ups, whether foreign or Romanian companies, as we able to communicate in various European languages apart from English and we have specialized lawyers providing all start-up related paperwork.

Through our partners we can provide in a one-stop-shop all our legal mandatory support services such as payroll and accounting, health & safety, personnel leasing and temporary labor,fire protection and prevention, environmental,etc.

LEGES HR is providing the full range of HR Services through understanding that the quality of the processes is determined by the quality of the people involved, regardless the size of the company.

HR Training

We provide HR Training for specialists and generalists. The level of expertise and depth on various subject matters were acquired not only in classroom training and professional seminars but mostly through practice in the HR field in the past 15 years. We support our clients to build HR skills “in-house” through tailored training sessions to develop their own HR specialists and/or generalists.

We are also providing specialized training sessions for multinational experts in order to update their knowledge to the most actual tendencies present in the market. Whether Legal, Benefits related or Employee Relations, our support sessions contribute to the increase of the level of service of your HR department by increasing staff engagement and motivation and by providing the latest available competency based training on the market.
We have international exposure through our CIPD (Chartered Institute of Personnel Development) courses (Employee Relations Module delivered in Romania) as well as local Romanian labor law expertise throughout the past 20 years experience in various multinationals.Our training sessions therefore combine successfully theoretical aspects of HR study cases with proven, practical solutions derived from every day work with people.

HR Consulting

Our experience encompasses all areas of HR interest. We provide our clients with best in class support in order to stay on top of candidates preferences when selecting their Employer of Choice so they eventually can attract and select the best candidates for their potential vacancies.
Our consultancy services can offer support in solving specific issues such as:

Employment and Residence Permits for EU and foreign citizens
A1 and other secondment specific forms and paperwork pertaining to international secondment of employees
Conflict handling and resolution in the workplace, including specialized support(labor law attorney) for disciplinary hearings, etc
Performance assessment centers, career development centers and support in developing the HR Reward System
Labor Market Analysis and Salary Surveys

HR Management

A complex service model, where we can add value to our client businesses through focusing on each person involved, as we believe that people lie in the heart of all activities and they determine the final quality of the output. People are the Company, they promote its image and sustain its authority throughout time.

Our previous exposure and expertise allows us to propose a wide range of HR Management interventions in order to transform the HR function from a solely pure administrative support department into a more innovative, value added function that strategically contributes to the results delivered by the organization. Therefore our HR Management interventions encompasses but are not limited to:

Simplifying the HR processes and optimizing the resource allocation through a strategic redesign of the HR Function
Freeing-up resources through outsourcing of non-value added work to external suppliers of services
Cost reduction by integrated management of external suppliers of services: Health & Safety, Fire Protection, Labor Medicine,etc
Absence leaves reduction through return to work interviews, medical data analysis, home visits, incentive bonus schemes,etc
Team Building Training Sessions with main focus on identifying leadership behaviors, potential leaders and Change Management exposure